Syeda Ayesha
About Me Stories
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2023


About Me — Syeda Ayesha

I had thought of sharing the tragedy of my birth with my readers. Let today be the day. Are you ready to dive into the mystery of my birth? Let’s get started.

It was a bright and hot day in May.

Everyone was busy doing their chores.

The clock was ticking.

The birds were chirping.

The dog was barking.

The cat was meowing.

The three-month-old baby was crying in the neighborhood.

Suddenly, the loud voice of a woman calling for help was added, she was about to give birth. Her family gathered and took her to the hospital. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

But guess what!!!!

The girl didn’t cry like every other child and her breath was unnoticeable. The doctor thought that she was born dead. The doctor holds her by her legs and rotates the baby in the air in a clockwise direction (same as Uranus and Venus rotate) like a clock hand and then suddenly throw her on the bed.

Surprise Surprise….

The baby girl finally cried and opened her eyes in the small town of Pakistan.

It must be written in the Guinness book of records.

Moving onward, that girl was given the name Sawera (Morning) but her uncle changed her name and finalized Ayesha (Alive, woman life). From there, her life journey begins.

But wait wait, I haven’t mentioned the date yet, well she was born on 15 May, which is celebrated as International Family day.

She was introverted in the beginning. She used to spend most of her time alone but in her teenage years, she made some friends and started enjoying her life.

Well, dude, she is me.

Moreover, I am a social worker. I have worked in a lot of NGOs and organizations for the betterment of my area and my country. I have been the CEO of one of the NGOs since 2020 and am motivated to work in the future as well.

Fact sheet

Hobbies: Painting, reading, and writing.

Favourite Movie: Nah, I’m not a movie person.

Favorite food: Depends on the mood. I used to eat Pakistani, Chinese, and Fast food.

Favorite book: Holy Quran.

Favorite Holiday: Holidays are all Favourite, Man!

Favorite season: I love the Rainy season a lot.

Favorite Genre: I’m a Drama Queen. So, of course, Drama.

Favorite animal: Horse.

Favorite bird: Parrot.

Most importantly I love to eat ice cream. I can sell my friend a small cup of ice cream.

If you have made it this far, then I’m honored. I know that I’m not good at writing. There are a lot of talented people out there. Anyhow thanks from the bottom of my heart.



Syeda Ayesha
About Me Stories

A girl in her 20s trying to figure out the world. I mostly write about Medium growth, Self-improvement, International affairs and culture.