About Me — Tejaswini Katreddy

A newbie writer and a software engineer

Tejaswini Katreddy
About Me Stories
3 min readDec 7, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Hi everyone, I am Tejaswini Katreddy, this is my real name, not a mumbo jumbo pen name. I am a younger millennial, a software engineer by profession and passion. For many years, I only used Medium to read Tech blogs. You are probably thinking, ‘what a nerd !’ Yeah, I am guilty of that, actually not, I love it.

Once I started writing and interacting on Medium, I discovered the other side of the platform. It is like a different world with a lot of nice people who are always happy to help. I am not sure what I did to deserve such generosity. I am thankful to you all for this support. I am doing my best to return the favour.

Photo by Debashis RC Biswas on Unsplash

I am from India, born in a Telugu-speaking South Indian family. I’ve spent my entire life here. I adore this country for everything it has given me. It might be chaotic and noisy but it is a vibrant, culture-rich country with great vibes and wonderful people.

Photo by SIBY on Unsplash

I believe in the ‘live and let live’ philosophy. I enjoy life’s simple pleasures because they make life beautiful. I try my best to be nice to others and myself. Most of the time I succeed, the times I miss, I try to be mindful and work on it.

My motto in life is to stay true to my values and live without regrets, everything else will take care of itself. I have no special talents but when I am determined to do something, I give my best, and it eventually works out. In rare cases, it doesn’t but I have at least tried, so I am fine with it.

I primarily write for fun because it is satisfying to voice my thoughts and connect with the audience. I don’t mind earning my membership fees on Medium, but Medium Partner Program is sadly unavailable in India; so there is no pressure to gain followers or produce more content right now. I don’t have a niche in writing yet, I am trying out everything.

I love making people laugh so I tried writing humor. I enjoy creating humor because it also amuses me. One can’t be sad if one wants to write humor, so my days are filled with more laughs these days. I try to find humor in things that were once a hassle.

I am figuring out how to write better. I hope my writing improves in the coming months. I feel happy whenever someone highlights, comments, or claps, small joys of life like I said. That is your cue to clap or comment! If you are feeling lazy, that’s ok too, I am a happy person anyway. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Have a great day!



Tejaswini Katreddy
About Me Stories

Software Engineer, *Top Reader* , Like to write about experiences or anything worth sharing | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tejaswini-katreddy-03257016/