About Me — Thanos

Not the one from Marvel.

About Me Stories


Hello Medium friends.

My name is Thanos — yes that’s my real name — I’m 23 years old and I’m a soon-to-be MD from Greece.

While writing this story I’m packing my things to go from my small apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria — where I currently study — back home in Greece to enjoy some time off.

Well, not exactly, since I must prepare for a German language exam and my final med school exams before acquiring this long-awaited degree.

So let’s get started, shall we?

My life was pretty average until 2020.

I was born in the suburbs of a city in Greece and, not to flex or anything, I was a really cute baby.

Here’s a picture for reference.

Image by Author

Something must have gone extremely wrong through puberty…

Both my parents are doctors so as you can imagine, they weren’t around this much during the early years of my life.

That was okay though because I had the chance to spend my time with my amazing brother — Menelaos — and my grandparents.

For the first 8 years of my life, I was very into drawing, playing musical instruments like the piano, and violin, sports, and playing chess professionally.

Then Call of Duty was released.

I became addicted to playing video games, learning about computers and programming, and as you can imagine I got stuck inside a very unhealthy loop.

Even though I really enjoyed learning and reading books, I adopted some extremely bad habits after discovering video games.

I became obese, socially anxious, depressed, aggressive, and completely distant from school and studying.

This bad lifestyle continued until I found a purpose in my life.

The purpose?

To help people — and subconsciously follow the footsteps of my parents who I truly admire.

It all started after helping some Syrian refugees, you can check out this story where I explain everything.

My life changed when I lost 20 kg

This great purpose in life came with the introduction of some new habits.

For me to get into med school I needed to get my life in order.

The first step? To lose all this stupid weight.

After losing it, my life changed. Working out, learning martial arts, eating healthy, and being overall active made me feel more confident, and content.

The next step was for me to pursue my goal and become a doctor.

After studying hard for 2 years to pass my A levels in Greece, I failed to score enough points to get into med school. I was really close but everything happened for a reason.

This unfortunate event turned into something really beautiful.

Next stop? Bulgaria!

After failing my A levels, I would then spend another month studying and preparing for the university’s entrance exams in English, Biology, and Chemistry.

After I successfully passed them and started studying medicine in English, and after a couple of heartbreaks, a lot of hours studying, and a global pandemic, my life changed in 2020 when I met my best friend Chris.

And I’m not joking, It truly took a solid 180-degree turn.

From meeting an enormous amount of people, driving 4 thousand kilometers through Europe to pick up a car, partying at a warehouse in Zurich, to even sneaking into film studios.

We did a lot of dumb shit and I’m truly grateful. If it wasn’t for my best friend I wouldn’t be here today.

Meeting him made me start writing for Medium.

Our friendship pushed me to find my limits, explore, and invest in myself.

So… 2 years later here I am — pouring my heart out on Medium. Writing started more as a hobby but it became part of me.

Finally, I found a way to express myself and enjoy it.

All these thoughts that I could never say aloud started making more sense when I wrote them.

I’ve finally found a medium — no pun intended — to express my thoughts.

Thoughts like self-improvement, philosophy, politics, unpopular opinions, experiences, and many more.

I started writing as a hobby but I’ve found a lot of people who can relate with the words I type.

Here’s my goal.

It’s really simple.

My aim is to inspire and help as many people as possible to be themselves and improve their lives.

I’ve always wanted and needed a mentor in my life but I’ve finally decided to find him within.

I can finally share my experiences, what has worked for me, what hasn’t and maybe help you be the person you truly want to be.

Are you ready to join me on my journey?

👉 Join the SMD movement and learn how to start living your life without Social Media.

