About Me — The Duffer’s Diary

The Duffer's Diary
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2020


Obviously my name is not The Duffer’s Diary, it’s Christine.

Image by TheDuffersDiary

I find writing about myself a difficult exercise as my life is fundamentally quite ordinary nowadays. I’m married with a kid (aged 9), I live in North East England and have some of the most glorious scenery (with a profusion of castles) the country has to offer right on my doorstep, I have a pleasant job that isn’t exactly a creative outlet and I’ve wanted to write since childhood, but however, it’s taken me an exceedingly long time to get to a place where I’m ready to make it an integral part of my everyday life. Among the other ways I fill my time, I also do expletive strewn cross-stitch — it’s very therapeutic. I love daft hair colors and adore live music, and have some lovely guitars that I don’t often play.

Selfie by me.

Up until 2010, I was essentially a “pootler”. Did a bit here and there and never did anything with it, I blogged a bit on Live Journal, but I’d come to the keyboard and freeze, and then stepped it up a notch with Blogspot. I think I’d expected the writing magic to flow from my imagination to my hands without my brain having any part of it, instead of realizing that to write is to work, and in order to be good at it, you have to…



The Duffer's Diary
About Me Stories

Mental health, parenting, politics, history and ranting at an indifferent universe. Sometimes funny. Just had an accidental 9 month hiatus from writing.