About Me — The Scribbling Lion

Writer, investor, environmentalist, enjoying financial freedom

Scribbling Lion
About Me Stories


Author’s own photo

Who am I?

I live in a small rural town in the UK. I plan to be quite experimental here, posting stories I’d be reluctant to post under my real name. My stories might reveal inner demons, ask difficult questions, talk about wealth and financial freedom, and debate challenging ideas.

I’m a contradiction

I live like a pauper but I’m actually quite wealthy. I’ll be talking about how I achieved wealth and financial freedom.

I’m concerned about the environment and do more than most people to keep my impact down. But I find some environmentalists frustrating when they talk the talk, but fail to follow their own advice. For example, jetting off to far-flung parts of the globe to protest about climate change, while arguing that everyone else must cut down on air travel.

I balk at the hatred spouted by some people who hate anyone with money. I wonder whether if they knew I had investments, they’d hate me on principle, too. I want to bring positives to the topic of wealth and sustainable living.

My writing

I’ll be sharing my wealth-building tips, stories about me, and perhaps a few controversial…



Scribbling Lion
About Me Stories

Here to tell stories that will entertain, shock & inspire.