About Me — Todd Nelson

Todd Nelson
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

Trying to see the big picture by digging into the details of the past. Also, bikes, because they can save the world.

Photo of and by author


I was not yet 10, but that’s me. Photo credit to either my dad or my uncle.

Long ago, I heard the phrase “what you are is where you were when you were 10” — at least that’s how I recall it. The idea is attributed to Morris Massey. If I knew I’d eventually be writing About Me, I’d have done something more interesting back in 1973. So apparently, I find other people’s stories more interesting to write about.

I am a midwestern transplant to northern California where I share a home with my wife — also from Michigan — and occasionally our twenty-something son. I studied engineering, spent time in management, and worked for an abnormally small number of companies, but now I’m retired.

Several years ago, I started blogging as a creative outlet, here and here. I mostly write about history. I like the idea of becoming a better storyteller. Blogging gave me practice and Medium gives me a larger audience with better feedback.

I’m also a cyclist. For years, I commuted to work by bike — rain or shine (it doesn’t snow here). In a typical year, I will ride more miles than I drive. I think bikes are part of the answer to a lot of civilization’s problems. That might be more than a five-minute read!

Sometimes it’s hard to be a rule-follower. Photo by author.

I hope you enjoy what I write.

Next Up

What’s going on? Nothing. I dropped out of Medium in 2022 because of their updated policies that limited what my non-subscribing friends could do.

  • I just started posting on StoryMaps which is also a proprietary platform but seems good so far.
  • I also dropped out of Twitter and am very happy on Mastodon.

Featured Articles

(Updated: 14 Jan. 2024)

  • Beneath Our Feet (StoryMaps version) A story of Native American burial sites underneath the city that I live in. This version has more than twice the views as the same Medium version.
  • Silicon Valley Genealogy I used the StoryMaps platform to embed a different platform, Kumu.io, which does an amazing job illustrating causal diagrams — in this case, the famous story of spin-offs in the early semiconductor days.
  • Downing Rode I just love this story! It’s a story of the Downing family, for which Downing Road is named. Some of the Downing descendants were world-class cyclists. The StoryMaps format takes you on a cross-country tour.

Top Articles

(Updated: 14 Jan. 2024)

My cocktail party explanation of my job was “talking to really smart people, then telling other really smart people what they said. Fortunately, it made sense to them and our company made money.” So, in keeping with that theme, I stole this format from JL Matthews who gave credit to Zulie Rane, Danny Forest, and Violet Daniels. In this case, however, I’m talking to myself and writing for you.



Todd Nelson
About Me Stories

Engineer, sustainability, indigenous history, analog electronics history and anything that supports my belief that bikes can save the world.