About Me — Tracy Davis

A little serious, a little silly

Dr. Tracy Davis
About Me Stories


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I find writing about myself to be a daunting task sometimes. Who am I really?

To my friends, I’m a little goofy, lots of fun, and a dreamer, always trying new things.

On the serious side, I have a doctorate degree in education and am an alum of an international scholarship. Although the silly side definitely comes out in this realm too. I think it’s necessary when you’ve been a middle school teacher.

I’ve lived mostly on the east coast of the U.S. and I’m currently writing this from Norway.

I love to travel, and I realized that the 9–5 culture isn’t my fave (even though my new job will follow that traditional schedule).

I hope to create an entrepreneurial path for myself where I don’t have to work for others and I can be my own boss.

Some random fun facts are that I love grilled cheese and I hate ketchup — like please do not put ketchup anywhere near me.

For most of my life, I’ve done academic writing and I’m ready to step out of that highly restrictive box.

Let’s see what comes of this personal evolution as a thirty-something millennial determined to experience life to the fullest.



Dr. Tracy Davis
About Me Stories

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development. https://linktr.ee/trayceedee