About Me — V Ernst

V Ernst
About Me Stories
Published in
Feb 12, 2022

Many facets, one person

The easiest questions are always the hardest.
Who am I?
A woman sitting down to finally type her way toward self-fulfillment.
A mother who loves her children more than life itself and hopes that somehow they will always know it.
A wife who is loyal and confident in her relationship.
A daughter who wants to spend more time with her own mother before it is too late.
A traveler with so much more to see.
But I am also
A friend who is bad at long-distance communication.
A wine lover who no longer drinks.
A little girl trying to make it through the abuse.
An ex-perfectionist who may have fallen too far toward laziness.
A hopeless romantic with now just the tiniest bit of belief in magic.



V Ernst
About Me Stories

Woman, mother, wife, artist…but before any of those I was a writer. Now ready to commit.