About Me — Venkataraman M

Philomath— Aspiring poet and storyteller — ERP and Data Analytics enthusiast — Nerd.

Venkataraman Mahalingam
About Me Stories


Exploring Sinhagad Fort, India. Photo Credit: Author

Pondering just before writing is a rush of a sensation.

There’s this energy brimming around my fingertips, completely excited. As though they have the words ready to come pouring out but are not quite there yet. As I type all this out, the closest I can describe this is if ‘potential energy’ had an emotion, this would be it.

Before I divert to my weird ramblings, let me introduce myself.

Hi! My full name is Venkataraman Mahalingam, shortened at times to Venkataraman M on paper and of course further shortened (or downright changed) to a bunch of different versions by both my friends and family.
My friends call me Venkat, you can too.

My Story

I was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India) in the mid-‘90s. With location transfers being quite the hype in the banking sector, my dad got us growing up in a few other cities. Eventually settling down and calling the last move ‘home’, my elder sister and I were raised in the nation’s commercial capital aka Mumbai (also in India).

I grew up an introvert in a conventional Indian middle-class family. Though given the stories and experiences, my mom and dad would probably opt out of calling our family ‘conventional’. My parents either spent time dealing with the drama that my sister and I daily cooked up or working to keep the family running the best they could.

With all the travel so early in my life, I have never settled into any one particular language, including my native tongue. I speak Tamil, Hindi, English, and a tiny bit of German — which I have been thinking of improving.

Throughout my life, circumstance has always fueled the spirit of travel that my family had set in motion.

At the age of 17, I packed my bags and set out to complete my graduation in mechanical engineering out of Tamil Nadu, then post-graduation in general management out of Karnataka which landed my first job in Bosch. I’ve been stationed in a couple of cities since then.

All of which, were at least 1000km away from home.

It was only after 9 years, during the COVID-19 lock-down, that I had the opportunity to stay home for more than a long weekend. This past year has been a long quarantine session with me, my mom, and my dad.
My sister is settled in the USA.

Since 2017, I have been working as a Logistic Key Account Manager in Bosch.
I’ve always been an SAP ERP system enthusiast and I’m working to get certified as a process expert. While equipping myself for business downturns during COVID-19, I developed an interest in Data Analytics too.

Being a bit of a workaholic, my focus at the start of my career left little space for my hobbies. Fortunately, I have had an amazing learning space and a great team to slowly create a balance.

Also, as of May 2020 — I am a proud uncle to my nephew.
Who I am sure will soon manage to say ‘Venkataraman’ as his first words or maybe just ‘mama’ viz uncle in most Indian languages.

My nephew whose cuteness knows no bounds. Photo belongs to Author.

My Perspectives & Interests

As a rather shy kid, I have always loved to read and write. Over time, writing has become one of my favorite ways to express a good story or perspective with my photography right at its heels.

My reading preferences are mainly fiction and comic books (especially DC Universe) and occasionally some non-fiction.

My writing has usually been offline, handwritten, and private. I love writing what comes to my heart and mind, usually flash fiction though I’m looking to grow with creative philosophy, visual journalism, and tech discussions. I look forward to growing as a writer on Medium, to express my stories & ideas the best way I can.

  • I also love movies and music of all sorts. Even though I do end up singing a tiny bit — bathrooms only — and I am trying to learn to play the keyboard, my love for music is more listening than performing. (jazz, classical, pop, rock, and rap more than techno or trance)
  • I enjoy cooking, playing football, cycling, and just about any other outdoor activity (like trekking) and I love it even more if I can do it hanging out with my friends.
Banana Halwa (Indian sweet dish). Photo Credit: Author.
  • I’m crazy about planning and also end up going a bit overboard with my weird suggestions like city-wide treasure hunts, weird concoctions/food recipes, inter-city dinner plans, spontaneous road trips, etc.
  • I have always loved travel. Be it new or someplace visited, there is always a new experience to be had.

To top it off — last year I bought my first motorcycle, Royal Enfield Bullet 500, and I have started loving bike rides and road trips since then.

My RE Bullet 500, Location: Road Trip, Ratnagiri to Goa, India. Photo Credit: Author

Bits about me

  • I overthink way too much, I’d like to think it keeps me calm and prepared when what I thought of actually happens.
  • The more you get to know me, the more quirky I get and the less funny my jokes get.
  • I have a handful of friends. They are trained ninjas.
  • I love reading freshly baked puns.

Reach out to me :

Always welcome for a discussion and a fresh perspective!


Special thanks to Shruthi Sundaram for introducing me to Medium!



Venkataraman Mahalingam
About Me Stories

I write to spark ideas, experiences and narratives floating about—Passionate about a good story, a fun plan & a fresh perspective—RE Bullet 500 is what I ride