About Me — Wasim Khan

Myself and my journey

About Me Stories
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Life Journey Picture Generated by AI using Adobe Firefly

Hello! My name is Wasim Khan, and I am a 31-year-old freelance graphic designer. My journey has been anything but conventional, and it’s been filled with valuable lessons that I am eager to share with others who may find themselves in similar situations.

Overcoming Procrastination

For much of my 20s, I struggled with procrastination. As an introvert, I often found it challenging to break out of my comfort zone, which significantly affected both my personal and professional life. Despite having a passion for graphic design, I couldn’t establish a steady career due to my inconsistent efforts and lack of discipline.

A Transformative Year

However, things began to change when I turned 30. I realized that if I continued on the same path, I would never achieve the success and fulfillment I desired. This epiphany was the catalyst for a transformative year, during which I focused intensely on self-improvement and personal growth.

Fitness Journey

One of the most significant changes I made was embarking on a fitness journey. At my heaviest, I weighed 266 pounds. Determined to improve my health, I adopted a balanced diet and a consistent workout routine. Over the past year, I have lost 58 pounds, bringing my weight down to 208 pounds. This transformation not only improved my physical health but also boosted my self-esteem and mental clarity.

Financial Management

In addition to getting fit, I also took charge of my finances. I delved into self-help books, as well as financial and marketing literature, to better understand how to manage my money and grow my freelance business. This newfound knowledge has been instrumental in creating a more stable and prosperous professional life.

Embracing Meditation

Meditation has also played a crucial role in my journey. As someone who has struggled with balancing emotions, meditation has provided me with a tool to maintain inner peace and focus. It has helped me manage stress, stay grounded, and approach life with a more positive and proactive mindset.

Reflecting on Progress

Reflecting on the past year, I am proud of the progress I have made. I have learned invaluable lessons about discipline, perseverance, and the importance of continuous self-improvement. My experiences have shown me that it is never too late to change and that even small, consistent efforts can lead to significant transformations.

Sharing My Insights

Now, I am committed to continuing on this path of growth and sharing my insights with others. I wish I had known many of these lessons in my 20s, and my goal is to help others avoid the same pitfalls and make the most of their potential. Whether you are looking to improve your fitness, manage your finances better, or simply seek personal growth, I hope my journey can inspire and guide you.

Join Me on This Journey

Join me as I navigate the challenges and triumphs ahead. Together, we can learn, grow, and achieve the success and fulfillment we all strive for. Thank you for being a part of my journey.



About Me Stories

Hi, I’m on a path dedicated to improving my life in fitness, relationship and finances. Join me as I share my insights towards a healthier and prosperous life.