About Me—Yuko Tamura

Millennial cultural translator, mother, feminist, former SCM specialist, sushi and Thai food lover

Yuko Tamura
About Me Stories


Ishigaki Island, Okinawa. Photo by Author.

Hi, thank you so much for reading my articles.

It’s funny that I’m writing about myself after publishing over 100 articles since I opened my account on Medium in 2021. I truly appreciate this community, and now I finally feel safe talking about myself.

My Childhood

I was born and raised as an only child in a quiet satellite city near Tokyo. My parents were conservative people who moved from less-engineered parts of Japan.

It was the classic story, Anne of Green Gables, that ignited my passion for reading. I loved the story so much that I drew the green roof house on the back of my exam papers at elementary school.

Soon, my interests drifted to manga. I dreamed of becoming a manga creator, but my father never considered art and literature as real businesses. He was an entrepreneur who owned a real estate company.

Yet, he read a lot and bought me many books. I read around 100 books per year in my teens, all in Japanese. I also loved English and grew up listening to J-POP bands and Aerosmith.



Yuko Tamura
About Me Stories

Spreading Japanese women's reality as a cultural translator. Writing for CNBC, The Japan Times, YourTango and more. EiC of Japonica.