Allow me to reintroduce myself

9 random facts just for fun

Dr. Tracy Davis
About Me Stories


Selfie taken by author

I have received a lot of new followers lately — thanks for being here!

About Dr. Tracy Davis

So, I thought sharing some new facts about myself would be fun. These are just random thoughts as they come to my mind.

  1. I take A LOT of selfies!
  2. I’ve visited 43 out of 50 US states and 9 countries (and counting)
  3. I once had a panic attack on a jetski in Cancun trying to get to a boat to go paragliding (but still did it anyway)
  4. I love to dance
  5. I’ve never worn false eyelashes, but really want to learn
  6. I originally went to college to become an actuary but found my way to teaching instead
  7. My dream is to be a digital nomad and travel the world
  8. Our dog lost his tail when I was a kid
  9. My favorite flavor of ice cream is anything with coffee, chocolate, or brownie

Your turn! Write your list of 9 random facts and tag me so I can read them :)

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Dr. Tracy Davis
About Me Stories

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.