An Interview with About Me Editor Ashley

The melody of a writer

About Me Stories


Source — Girl Silouette Profile picture provided by Ashley which is also her display picture.

Hi, everyone!

The About Me Stories publication is all about creating community here on Medium and where better to start than with our very own editorial team. Here is your chance to find out more behind the names reading and publishing your work.

With the end fast approaching for her bachelor’s degree in classical music performance as a piano major, music weaves its influence into every area of Editor’s Ashley’s life. Yet she is also a list maker, a dancer, an artist and a coffee lover, but I think I’ll leave it to Ashley to tell you more about her writing.

Ashley, could you tell us a little bit about the kind of writing you do?

I touch on a range of topics and used to write whatever came to mind. Now I write when I feel compelled to share something, instead of writing for the sake of churning out content twice a week like I used to. Like many others, I feel I write best when I strongly advocate for the message that I wish to convey.

You talk about the need to keep your real life and writing life separate which is something many others on the Medium platform may think about. Why have you decided to keep them separate and has it changed what you are willing to write about?



About Me Stories

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.