An Interview with About Me Editor Shamar

A writer’s coach

About Me Stories


Personal image provided by Shamar for use in this interview.

Hi, everyone!

The About Me Stories publication is all about creating community here on Medium

And where better to start than with our very own editorial team. Here is your chance to find out more behind the names reading and publishing your work.

From her day job in recruitment to her online life as a popular Medium writer and one of our editors, Shamar is a whirlwind of industry as proven by her top writer status in both Feminism and This Happened To Me. It’s time to get to know her a little better and for Shamar to tell you more about her creative inspirations.

Shamar, could you tell us a little bit about the kind of writing you do?

To be honest, I don’t have a niche. I’ll write about whatever comes to mind. I hate being stuck to one thing in life so I prefer to be free in my writing. Most of my writing is personal experiences or opinions, but when I first started writing back in 2019 it was mainly factual based.

As a person of colour in Britain how you say your experience of being African in England has impacted your creative expression and writing?

To be honest, I don’t write about race-related topics much. I’ve got two in my drafts, but I’ll admit I’m afraid to…



About Me Stories

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.