An Interview with Ben Ulansey

A Writer’s Inspiration

About Me Stories


Image of Ben Ulansey provided by him with full permission for this article.

The About Me Stories publication is all about creating community here on Medium and finding out more about the person behind the pen (or laptop). We’ve decided to feature more interviews with you lovely readers because we have amazingly diverse and fascinating writers that we can’t wait to learn more about.

Philosopher, saxophonist, gamer and cinephile, Ben is a fascinating writer who I know you are going to enjoy meeting, so, let’s get started.

Ben, could you tell us a little bit about the kind of writing you do?

In the year and a half that I’ve been writing more seriously, I still struggle with that question. So far, it’s been all over the place. Some days I’ll write a satire, some days fiction, some days a memoir and other days I’ll rant about technology and the most serious issues threatening our species. Or I’ll just write a film review or talk about a video game I like. I keep my email subscribers on their toes. Is it a good strategy for keeping them? Probably not. But jumping erratically between subjects has kept the creative process feeling fresh at least.

You talk often about lucid dreaming, what is it and how has it changed you and your writing?



About Me Stories

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.