Are You Complicated?

An understanding of human beings

Fareeha Mohammed
About Me Stories
3 min readJul 15, 2024

Call out yourself, find joy in the depth.

I understand people easily, I can read them like an open book, most of the time. I wasn’t one of that kind before and I used to pray to God to help me understand people. I always felt astonished seeing my siblings being able to do so. But now when I am blessed with the same, I am left perplexed. It’s a blessing indeed. Alas sometimes I wish I was too naive to understand people. For people, they are simple yet so complicated. They are so beautiful yet so imperfect. They are all bruised but very few are empathetic. They all are right in their own ways yet so wrong. And if you try to understand them all, there is no more right or wrong. Everything becomes different shades of grey. One can’t claim to even know them all. For none knows themselves enough to know the other inside out.

Understanding people is a deep thing. To interact with people the right way, you must know them well. They can be of different types. Basically, all of them yearn for belonging. You may think you know them well, and that is when you see new sides of them. You might think you solved the entire puzzle, you have placed all the pieces right, but it was never a 2 — D thing, it was 3 dimensional. All of a sudden you wish they remained a mystery.

There is nothing weird or new about this. Because unaware of you, you are all the same. A devil covered with many layers of thick skin. Your nafs , your ego beneath all these layers. As people uncover you, what do you know, maybe they too regret having found the truth. A secret covered with layers of thick skin. A secret you wish to never be exposed. To never be found.

We are defined by the way we handle our emotions. One who has it all under control is so powerful, you can never imagine. Something so fleeting defines the walking ones. It is all about what you care about.

Yet there are some people who aren’t meant for this world. No word they speak has got anything to do with this world. They don’t care about riches, fame, their desires or reputation. None. Nothing. In this nothingness, they thrive. They nurture spiritually, mentally and emotionally. In this nothingness, they find themselves. They find their lord. They find love.

All of mankind is so, you can’t put them under two categories: the good and the bad kind. All have both sides to them. We judge them by what they make us feel. We wish to be understood before we even utter what we feel. Nothing is real. All are imperfect, imperfect to varying degrees. See through the eyes of your heart, maybe then you can decipher at least a tad bit of what they are, maybe then you can see past their imperfections to what they truly are, a broken pearl or a polished stone, whatever they are.

