Embracing My Journey

From Procrastination to Pursuing Passion (About Me)

Shane Lynton
About Me Stories
2 min readMay 15, 2024


By YuriArcursPeopleimages

Hey there! And welcome to my profile. I’m Shane Lynton, a Barbadian with a lifelong passion for stories in all forms—whether through reading, watching, or now, crafting blogs of my own. Despite my deep-seated love for storytelling, my journey to this point has been marked by delays and detours.

For years, I found solace in songwriting and even dabbled in storytelling during my school days. However, it wasn’t until January 2022 that I made a firm commitment to delve into writing, only to find myself tangled in the web of procrastination.

Fast forward to April 22, 2024, and I’m finally taking that crucial step forward. The important thing is that I’ve begun, despite the passage of time.

By DC_Studio

If you’re reading this and can relate to the struggle of putting off your dreams, I urge you not to fall victim to procrastination. It truly is the thief of time, and I know firsthand how challenging it can be to overcome.

Sharing Stories, Experiences, and Ways to Help

What would that look like

Some will be hot topics like health, relationships, and my musical journey, with a few features along the way.

By Joel Brooks

A Little about me

So, what makes me tick? Well, I’m deeply passionate about music, movies with captivating narratives, and thought-provoking podcasts. I also love nature and am addicted to watching the NBA.

Beyond entertainment, I’m also invested in mental health, although I’m not a professional like my brother. Fitness and spirituality play significant roles in my life, with my faith in Jesus guiding me on my journey. However, I’m all about respecting others’ beliefs and would never impose my own on anyone.

As I embark on this blogging adventure, my aim is simple: to be my authentic self. I hope my words resonate with you, challenging your perspectives and evoking laughter along the way. After all, life is too short not to pursue our passions and share our stories with the world.

What I will be writing about






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