About Me — David Harford

A reintroduction of sorts from the new-ish me

David Harford
About Me Stories
4 min readOct 26, 2020


I have seen a few stories on Medium of late where people have been writing an introduction about themselves after joining. I never did that when I started writing here, and even if I had, the things I would have written about myself would have been incorrect. I have been lying to myself as well as everyone else — and only now have I come to see the truth.

I have been on Medium for quite some time now but have struggled to find my way, mirroring my life of late. I have never been sure of which niche to publish in, and as a result, have tried my hand at many subjects with varied results.

About me

I am a chef and have been for many years, apart from a six-year break of which I tried to be something I wasn’t.

I have worked in various kitchens from big chain hotels to smaller boutique hotel kitchens. And from there into fine dining and Michelin starred restaurants, and even small scale high-end catering. But after twenty or so years, I lost my way and gave up cooking. I had lost the love; the passion no longer flowed through me. I decided that I needed a change. I wanted to ditch the many weary hours on my feet in a somewhat toxic environment, with copious amounts of stress to deal with and work a desk job. I longed to sit rather than stand, and I assumed it would be less stressful — I’d be able to drink a cup of coffee and savour it rather than guzzling it down in a fleeting moment before it got cold. It was a case of ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ kind of situation, and obviously, it didn’t turn out how I thought it would. I was miserable. At first, the relief of being away from the kitchen was exhilarating, especially when I was doing my own thing, but that soon wained and reluctantly I got a job working for a social media management company who demanded a lot, more than I was capable of giving.

What I didn’t realise was that I was trying to find the new me, trying to forge a different path away from the kitchen, which up until this point was all-encompassing. I told myself I wanted to do something else, a job where I would be much happier and less stressed when, in actuality, it made the new me withdrawn and depressed.

I tried hard not to see it. I refused even to consider cooking again. Why? I’m not so sure, probably due to my pride. I had told everyone that that part of my life was over and I would be doing something else. Instead of giving me focus, however, it resulted in the opposite. I felt lost, and it showed, not only in the way I lived my life and the way I was around people but also in my writing on Medium. It’s obvious to say that to write about a subject one has to know all of the intricacies of that subject, and that’s where I fell short. Apart from my story about my depression — one of the only real things I have written on here.

All I was doing was pretending to be something I wasn’t until now that is. I am a cook, a chef. That’s what defines me and what drives me, it’s the only thing I know how to do, and I’m good at it. Not to do it would be a waste. I have an innate passion for food and cooking, and so that’s what I shall be writing about going forward. I hope, in turn, you will be able to see the passion flow through the words on the screen. I don’t pretend to be a great writer, but I hope my love for the subject will carry me through because at the end of the day I do love to write. Writing and cooking are similar in a way, highlighted by this quote from Wolfgang Puck.

“Cooking is like writing. ( … ) Just as there are only so many words ( … ), there are only so many flavours — it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.”

Now I am back in the kitchen, and I couldn’t be happier. Finally, my Medium profile and bio reflect the real me. There is no point trying to hide who you are, cooking and food is as much a part of me as my hair or skin. I was foolish to try and ignore it.

So from the new-ish me, hello! I am delighted to meet your acquaintance at this fabulous place we call Medium.



David Harford
About Me Stories

Crazy passionate chef and business owner— my passion for food and cooking defines me. You’ll often see me with a cup of coffee or my favourite knife in hand.