
Her Bad Attitude Didn’t Alter My Day

It is time to teach others to shit or get off the pot.

About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo Ezekixl Akinnewu/Pexels

This has been on my mind lately.

There are a couple of folks I know who simply complain about everything irrelevant. I should say, what I deem irrelevant. They are in my larger circle, for now. I guess irrelevant is a mouthful depending on perspective.

What I mean is that some tend to complain about issues I tend to ignore especially when it doesn’t directly affect my person or circumstances. She, the person in my circle, was one of them.

Words from others are just that, words. Yes, we have been taught that words hurt, but at this point in our lives, we should know how to deal with this issue.

If I need to address something of this nature, I will. Most times it has been unnecessary and my life still moves on.

Why are people like her so sensitive about every issue that doesn’t fit in their plan?

When this happens I try to help. I normally explain and try to convince them how the attention they are giving said issue isn’t worth it. I try to enlighten the irritated by giving a different viewpoint.

I normally and in her case, I suggested self-assessment. I believe that when we…

