Interview with Chantelle Atkins

A writer’s obsession

About Me Stories


Image by Chantelle Atkins and used with permission for this article.

Medium is a home for every kind of writer, that’s one of the elements that make it so addictive. You can find rabbits holes of all kinds and loose hours in fiction, poetry, technology, finance, personal growth and even fitness. The fiction writers of Medium are a tantalising group, offering delicious morsels of their work and tempting you with real world novels. When writer Chantelle Atkins recently joined us here at About Me Stories, I was fascinated and couldn’t wait to learn more about such a prolific writer.

In the ‘real world’ you are soon to publish your 18th book, an amazing feat. A lot of people struggle to own the title of writer even once they’re work is out in the world.

At what point did you feel like you felt comfortable calling yourself a writer?

I think when the first book came out! I was so proud of it and so thrilled to finally realise a lifelong dream, so yes, that was the moment I started calling myself a writer.

How do your books begin, story or character first?

Usually, character though it can vary. I would say most of them have begun with a character invading my head and talking to me. I’ll try to put them off for as long…



About Me Stories

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.