New Me — New About Me

Everything has changed

Allen "AJ" Hawthorne
About Me Stories
3 min readMar 24, 2024


image owned by author

Well, it’s time to be brutally honest. I hope you don’t mind.

I am 34, and with any luck, I will be turning 35 at the end of this summer. Over the last three years, I have changed just about every aspect of my life.

I moved to St. Petersburg Florida, I started a new job where I am making the most money that have ever made. I am almost 4 months sober. I have lost 40lbs since thanksgiving. I am dating again after a divorce. And I change between feeling extremely accomplished and wildly behind in life.

At the beginning of 2021, I was very unhappily married. I started writing on Medium (unsuccessfully) and I have since deleted all of my previous articles, with the exception of my first “about me” post. Linked below.

When I was at the tail end of my marriage (I left) I decided that I needed to have a dramatic change. I realized that I was living reactively, not proactively. I was with someone that I didn’t like, working a job that I hated, drinking too much, and not taking care of myself. I made the decision to start “living deliberately”. I wanted to curate a life where everything that I did was done deliberately. I wanted to choose where I lived, where I worked, who I spent my time with, who I dated, what I did in my free time, etc. And I made a promise to myself that if I didn’t Like anything of these things, I would change them.

I realized that I would have to spend about three years making this metamorphosis. The years were titled: my “Tear down year”, my “rebuild year”, and my “thrive year”.

In my tear-down year, I got divorced. Changed careers from finance to construction. Bought a sailboat. Moved onto it full-time. Lost the sailboat in Hurricane Ian. And was briefly homeless.

In my rebuild year, I moved to St. Petersburg. I got a job doing something I had never done before. I got an apartment. I re-evaluated my hobbies. Started dating again. (I hadn’t been on a date in the age of dating apps before). And I started working out again.

Now I am in my thrive year. I love my little apartment. I am doing well at my job but I think I am slated for something bigger. I have started two side hustles. I gave up drinking. And I am dating a wonderful woman.

My focus moving forward is going to be striving to be thriving. I want to make more money. I have a lot of debt from my divorce and I want to get debt-free. I have lost 40 lbs but I want to get abs as I had in my 20s. I want to create, succeed, and make my mark on the world.

So I am giving writing another shot. I have so much to say. I have so much to share about things that I am doing and things that I wish I had done. Everything is hard but all of my victories feel like gold metals. And victories are compounding.

I will be writing about money, and sobriety, and fitness, and art. You will hear stories and jokes, poetry (a new (old) hobby), and about love.

Buckle up, kids. Come thrive with me.



Allen "AJ" Hawthorne
About Me Stories

I am a creature of habit with the unfortunate issue of having bad habits. I write about relationships, self-discovery, corporate America, and my own life.