
The feeling of longing for something known.

Joanna Idemmi
About Me Stories
1 min readJun 29, 2024


Photo by Charles Asselin on Unsplash


the warm feeling tugging your chest when you slip into memory lane and remember yesterday.

Yesterday, I was 5 turning 6 and celebrating my birthday in school,

not to mention that I lost a tooth.

Yesterday, I was 9 and on my way to burden school.

Yesterday, I was 12 and learnt that school wasn’t cool… the hard way.

Yesterday, I was 13 and began my induction into womanhood.

Yesterday, I was 16; happy but missing, lost in a world of fantasy.

Yesterday, I was 17,dainty and still trapped, didn’t know that I could escape if I would.

Yesterday, I was 17 and you can say that I learnt my lesson.

Yesterday, I was 18, learning about adulthood and trying to understand what adult do.

Yesterday, I was 19, at the last stage of teenage wound seeking liberty from tragedy.

Today I am 20,learning to start, all over again.

Today you are how old?

And how about you?

P.S. Leave your answer in the comment section.


I am Joanna Idemmi; a Nigerian law student, blogger, you-tuber but most importantly, a human being. To connect with me, kindly click here.

