Say It To My Face

Hot ideas can come out of nowhere

Edwina Owens Elliott
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2024


Photo by author

In Atlanta last Tuesday evening, Vice-President Kamala Harris, during her speech on the campus of Georgia State University, took us back to those old days of standing our ground in the high school cafeteria. Forced to confront a big-mouth bully, she looked straight into the camera and said —

“Donald…if you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.”

And just like that, an idea was born.

I’m a self-employed graphic designer with a heat press in my garage. Immediately, in my mind the vision of a T-shirt in red, white, and blue materialized.

The glorious part is having the means to bring these ideas to life.

Sleeping on it, I got up excited Wednesday morning, ready to get into my office. I fought the temptation to kick my workout to the curb and forced myself to plow through it before changing clothes and making a quick dash to the grocery store. I returned and sat down in front of the computer finally — my happy place — to design my first political T-shirt.

Avoiding politics has always been my middle name. Especially in Chicago where I was born. Politics in the Windy City were way too nasty and corrupt for my sensitive nature so, voting if only to honor those…



Edwina Owens Elliott
About Me Stories

Illustrator, graphic designer, indie author. A creature of habit but our evolution continues.