About Me —Self Elevate Journey

Welcome to Self Elevate Journey

Self Elevate Journey
About Me Stories
4 min readJul 31, 2024


Welcome to Self Elevate Journey!

What’s This All About?

My goal is simple: to add value to your life. It’s a big ambition, but I’m determined to try. My mission is to provide you with tools, insights, thoughts, and motivation to help you elevate your life.

I’m still figuring out if I have enough credibility for this, but I’ll let you be the judge.

My Background

I’m from a small community back in Eastern Europe, about 5,000 souls strong. Jobs were rare, and it was all about who you knew. So, at 23, I packed my bags and left in search of a better life, scraping together cash from two jobs for a year to afford the plane ticket.

Touching down in the UK, I had £200 in my pocket and a room secured for a month. Started off scrubbing floors on minimal wage, with no connections or family backup.

Those early days were rough. Couldn’t afford heating in my flat during that first winter, so I slept bundled up in a jacket and hat. Survived on discounted food from budget stores and walked two hours to work and back until I could afford a bus pass.

To sum it up, after grinding away for ten years and taking few leaps of faith, I now hold a senior role at a nationally recognised company. and run one of their sites up in the north of the UK — a £40 million-a-year operation.

I also bring a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge on nutrition and fitness. With a master’s degree in physical education and certification as a personal trainer, coupled with a professional PT experience.

My approach to nutrition and training has evolved significantly over the years. I went from a regimen of 7 meals a day and 6 days in the gym per week with heavy supplementation, to a totally different approach focused on 2 meals a day and 2–3 weekly gym sessions..

As a result, I feel better now both physically and mentally, than when I was 20.

I’m very fortunate to have a very determined partner in my life — my wife.

Over the past decade, she’s been on a journey to fix both her body and mind, dealing with ongoing health issues that affect her physical health and mental well-being.

She’s tried out all sorts of eating and nutrition plans, committing to each approach for at least a full year, keeping written track of what works and diving deep into research from all corners.

From going vegetarian for two years to dabbling in veganism, keto, low-carb, animal-based and gluten free nutrition, she’s explored a ton of options in her quest for better overall health.

As a result, I have first-hand experience from a very knowledgable and committed individual who has been on a quest to improve her physical and mental wellbeing, and she has been incredibly successful in achieving positive outcomes.

Her experience really shows how closely linked physical health is to mental well-being.

Why Am I Doing This?

Reason 1: The Urge

There’s something inside me pushing to share this message. I’ve felt this urge a few times over the last 20 years and I’ve never regretted following it, so here I am, trusting my gut again.

Reason 2: The Legacy

A huge motivation for this project is my 3-year-old daughter.

I want to give her all the support and guidance I can. Reflecting on my own childhood, I had complete freedom to figure things out, which was a double-edged sword. I could have used more direction early on.

I want to capture my “golden nuggets” of wisdom for her, just in case I’m not able to share them directly.

Reason 3: The Anchor

This project also serves as my personal anchor.

I’m just at the beginning of my journey, with so much more to learn and achieve. Moments of doubt and struggle are part of life, but they remind me of the positive impact of the concepts and ideas I’ll be sharing with you.

Reason 4: The Dream

Lastly, I have a dream to engage directly with people through public speaking, coaching, or maybe even writing a book.

The chance to connect in person and make a positive impact is something I deeply enjoy.

The Plan

Here’s the blueprint:

Honesty is key in this project. Though the payoff might not be immediate, I firmly believe it will benefit us both in the long run.

Let’s be clear: Self Elevate Journey won’t be peddling get-rich-quick schemes or unrealistic promises. I can only speak from my own experiences, so don’t expect any “How I made millions before 20” stories here.

Instead, I want to show you how exploring, picking, and applying certain rules, ideas, and concepts can give your life a boost. Even if it’s just a tiny step forward, those small improvements add up big time over time.

I’ll only share insights when I believe they genuinely add value or when I discover something enriching. Whether it’s a noteworthy product, an insightful book, or an inspiring individual, I’ll keep you informed.

Just a heads up: what I share reflects my current beliefs and experiences. We’re all evolving, so keep that in mind.

Let’s do this!

Let’s embark on this journey together and see where it takes us. Whether these insights resonate with you now or later, they’re here whenever you’re ready.

The best time to start changing your life is now!



