About Me — Allison Burney

Writer. Reader. Traveler. Personal growth lover.

Allison Burney
About Me Stories


Loving life on the Camino de Santiago.

Hello! I’m Allison. Welcome to my Medium home base!

I’m a freelance writer and proofreader.

Words are my thing and always have been.

I believe that words matter.

They can inspire ideas, provide hope and solace, and even completely change someone’s life.

In short, they’re magical — and anything with that much power deserves some attention to detail!

What I’m All About

I view life as an adventure.

There are so many opportunities to discover, learn, and grow in life if we are open-minded and actively seek them. I believe life is about gaining new experiences. It’s about trying new things and challenging ourselves to be the best we can be while finding a way to help others and be of service.

I love to travel.

Ever since my first trip, I’ve been hooked. I’ve lived and volunteered abroad, traveled solo, and hiked the Camino Portugues. I spend a lot of time thinking about travel, daydreaming about when and to which country my next trip might be, and watching travel-related documentaries and shows on TV when…



Allison Burney
About Me Stories

Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: allisonburney.com