About Me — Brynn Mahnke

Freelance writer. Distance runner. Reader. Outdoors lover. Useless facts memorizer.

Brynn Mahnke
About Me Stories


Photo credit: Author

Hi! I’m Brynn. I’ve been writing for years, but just recently started putting my work into the world for others to see.

About Me

I’m a freelance writer based in the Midwest. I am married and have seven kids, and before you ask — yes, I know what causes that! Five of our kids are adopted through foster care. It’s been a bit of a crazy last decade or so!

My kids attend school two days a week and I home school them the other days. This blended model is perfect for our family after trying both public school and full-time homeschool.

I quit working outside the home when my husband and I started a real estate appraisal company before kids arrived on the scene. I work for the company a little less now, but still handle the books and taxes.

My prior jobs included internally investigating complaints for an insurance company, working as a paralegal, and working in a large company's tax department. All these jobs probably sound like a total snooze fest, but I loved them all! And they were all significantly easier than parenting. ;)

Right now, I’m also working on finishing up my Liberal Arts degree. I’ve attended college…



Brynn Mahnke
About Me Stories

Freelance writer, distance runner, lifelong learner. Let’s chat! brynnmahnkewrites.com