About Me — The ABC’s of Kristina God

Who the heck is this girl? Is this even her real name?

Kristina God, MBA
About Me Stories


The ABC’s Of Kristina God
photo credit: Kristina God

I was brewing my morning coffee with a splash of coconut milk when I realized:

Wait, have I properly introduced myself on Medium yet?

Maybe you’re seeing my stories in your feed and you’re thinking…

Who the heck is Kristina God? Is this even her real name?

My super cool and inspiring student Dawn Smiles started the trendy ABC of me Challenge…. and Scott Ahlsmith challenged me to write my ABC’s too.

Here I am, friends! Challenge accepted!

So, allow me to brief you on who the heck I am in a short, sweet, and fun way, like all my content.

The ABC of Kristina God

A — an all-weather, all-seasons kind of girl.

B — started a Medium blog 18 months ago, shared 800+ stories, launched a Medium Kickstarter Boot Camp and somewhere in that confusing mix, an online business was born.

Cchases dreams with reckless abandon.

D — shows you her sunny days and her darker days.

E — loves to log off every now and then … and actually go out and experience LIFE.



Kristina God, MBA
About Me Stories

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I YouTuber⚡Join my Online Writing Club: https://kristinagod.substack.com