This Shall Also Come To An End

Today will drown just like yesterday

Mitchel Berries
About Me Stories
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

“This too shall come to an end” is all my mind says. In times of struggle and hustle, my heart breaks but my mind tells it to remain strong.

I remember all the past we had with my close ones, the good days we shared together, the sad and good moments we had wishing we could remain like that forever but it’s all impossible — it all came to an end.

This pain too, the struggle, the sleepless nights, the hardships, everything shall come to an end. That’s why all that comes my way I believe shall perish and vanish.

These feelings that I feel too, the feeling of being let down, the feeling of disappointment, the feeling of being unloved, the feeling of having no hope for the future, the feeling of giving up, shall all come to an end though I still have to endure the pain today but I know tomorrow it shall be no more. All the scars will be my power and courage to move to the next day knowing that I can pass through this too. Life produces bitterness and sweetness today but it will once be tasteless like in the past one day at a time.

A wise man once said that history is not the past, we live the history.

So, live today knowing that it shall come to an end and tomorrow you will live for the history you make today.

Live your life knowing that the clock hand can turn to where you saw it yesterday but the actions can never be the same no matter how you try to. Let nothing hinder you from enjoy today because tomorrow can be today but it can never hold what today holds. Live a life where you will be able to look back and say though it was hard, but It all came to an end. Live a life where you will look back and smile without having any regrets.

Hence respect, cherish, savor every moment you have today for it can never be a “moment” tomorrow rather a “memory.”

