To be Bold

Boldness. The ability to do things which one finds frightening — courage.

Joanna Idemmi
About Me Stories
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Everyone talks about courage as showing up, doing the and walk and not just the talk. Do not get me wrong, I agree…in parts but not in absolution, on grounds of my experience. Courage is something more.

Courage is not always showing up, it could be of a different kind.Courage does not always roar. Courage is not always what is seen or felt. Courage is simply the deed, of inner strength or weakness when all else fails.

Courage does not come easily, it is earned.

Courage is bowing out of the things that no longer serve you;the things that you no longer serve. It is saying goodbye to that friend you have known forever, knowing that yours is to see again but not the same… It is leaving behind the career you would have liked, if only you were your father.

Courage is not always leaving behind,it could be carrying on. It transcends many forms. It is carrying on your personal grief on your shoulders knowing that you have back aches but still chose to proceed anyway.

Courage is in the tears we shed.The tears we share. It is grieving over a loss of a loved one, friend, foe even your own soul.

Courage is the shadows we bury, what becomes of our gloom.

Courage is the scars we carry, the marks of our body; the road connecting our nights with morning. It is our past and present entwined.

Courage is our forgiveness, of ourselves and not just others. To cleanse your heart of what is vile, of what hurt you, who and whom; even if it could be you, knowing it is true and bearing no resentments.

Courage does not always speak. Courage is also silent — a quiet little nudging carrying our soul.

Courage is to be bold,it is who we are.

© JoannaIdemmi

