Tracking A Small Change in Habit, A Giant Leap in Results

About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2024
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“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our life.”
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

Productive Life Begins with Awareness. Tracking is the best tool for awareness. For those who don’t know me, I recommend reading my About Me article. It is pinned to my profile. It’s a 3-minute short read. To make the short story shorter, my name is Wasim Ahmed Khan. I am from India, the land of diversity, and I am 31 years old. Throughout my 20s, my life was unproductive, plagued by procrastination, without even knowing such a word existed two years ago. I improved various aspects of my life, such as finance, fitness, and mental health, through tracking. There are other contributors to the change, but tracking is where it all started. I lost 58 pounds in a year, sorted my finances, and started investing in the share market. I took up meditation, changed food habits, and eating patterns to assist mental health — all because of tracking. I achieved in a year what I wasn’t able to achieve in ten years.

The Journey to Weight Loss

I learned the power of tracking through a three-month free subscription to a fitness app that provided a calorie-tracking service. The procrastination was so strong in me that I waited nine months to use it, as that is when the offer would have ended. Losing weight is not just about exercise; the most important part is diet. When I started tracking the food I ate and its nutrition, just being aware changed the whole game.

Tracking gives a sense of accomplishment and achievement. It helped me identify my eating patterns and change them. I controlled food portions, set nutritional goals, and achieved them. I realized I was on a high-carb diet and that my protein and fiber intake was very low. I increased my daily protein and fiber through adding Greek yogurt, nuts, chicken, egg whites, lentils, cucumber, etc. I reduced my carb intake to half of what it was. I identified added sugar and deep-fried foods as the main obstacles to weight loss, so I decided to give them up completely. Now I mostly eat whole fruits for my sugar cravings, and even that at night. Even when I feel like eating added sugar or deep-fried food, I pick a restaurant that is at least 1.5 miles from my home and walk there so that the food works like a reward for my walking.

Financial Management and Growth

On the financial side, I always felt that I lost track of where the money went. First, I sorted my personal finances. Through tracking, I was able to identify where I was mostly spending it and how I could reduce it, and in cases where the spending was more for pleasure and luxury than need, I avoided it completely. I also set a challenge to spend 45 minutes every day learning about the stock market. Through that, I was able to invest the money I was saving and see it grow.

Mental Health and Meditation

By tracking my meditation goals, I became calmer, more productive, and less bothered by unnecessary things. I employed a simple technique called tracking, spending probably half an hour on it every day, but I got so much more from it.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Tracking can be that first step towards reaching your goal. Have a happy life journey!



About Me Stories

Hi, I’m on a path dedicated to improving my life in fitness, relationship and finances. Join me as I share my insights towards a healthier and prosperous life.