Introducing Me

About Me — JB Hollows

What Do Prison, Publishing, and Public Speaking Have In Common?

JB Hollows
About Me Stories
Published in
5 min readAug 28, 2022


We are more than we think — JB Hollows

How Did You Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking?

I once read a book entitled And Death Came Third. It gave all the stats to show that something like 80% of the population fears public speaking more than death itself.

Well, I didn’t need a whole book to tell me that!

My experience of giving presentations to more than three people was of being a sweaty, shaky, anxiety-filled mess. I knew I would rather die than be on stage.

One day I had this random thought “you’re going to be on stage talking about your work in prisons.”

“What?” I said to the thought. Proving it’s OK to speak to yourself.

“Yep.” Said the thought (cheeky bugger).

I didn’t believe the thought, but it was persistent, so I decided I’d better find a way of not melting in a puddle if it ever did happen.

For the following year, I offered to give talks whenever the opportunity arose. Need a speaker at a breakfast meeting — I’m your girl. Looking for someone to make a presentation — I’ll do it. Want someone to make an announcement —…



JB Hollows
About Me Stories

Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect. I empower change-makers to unlock their Emotional Resilience & take Inspired Action.