About Me — Victoria Fraser

Just another writer with a cute snake.

Victoria A. Fraser
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2020


victoria fraser writer vancouver bc
Image by Samee Anderson

Why hello there!

Look at you stumbling across my medium profile. Thanks for popping by! My name is Victoria, I’m a freelance writer from Canada. Yes, of course, I have a website, but if you don’t want to click that, then you can read my introduction here.

I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen in my hands. Poetry has always been one of my favourite genres, but I also love illustrating comics and children’s writing. During my teenage years, I dabbled in slam poetry and performed at festivals across in Canada on various slam teams. Here’s one of many times I’ve performed if you’re curious, but please remember I was 16 and those are very old videos now!

After graduating from high school, I went to university and got a double major in Creative Writing and Psychology. Truthfully, I didn’t think I could ever be a writer. All my life I was told writing was too competitive. Don’t pursue it. It was just a hobby that I could never land a career in. Despite that, I sent my poems out and have been published in a handful of small literary magazines which validated my dreams. Still, I enjoyed it solely as an art form.

Then, like many people, I found myself unemployed during Covid. That was due to…



Victoria A. Fraser
About Me Stories

Freelance copywriter, humourist, podcaster, and nerd. Follow along for writing tips, marketing blather, and my opinions!