Anthropomorphism and Personalization in Intelligent Voice Assistants

Milene Amoriello Spolador
About Product
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2024

Intelligent Voice Assistants (IVAs) like Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and now ChatGPT have become integral parts of our daily lives. They offer a wide range of functionalities, from setting reminders and controlling smart home devices to discussing topics of interest and casual chatting. The combination of anthropomorphism (attributing human characteristics to non-human entities) and personalization (tailoring interactions based on individual preferences) has shown significant potential in increasing user engagement with these technologies. However, this convergence also raises concerns about the psychological implications of humans empathizing with machines.

Anthropomorphism in IVAs

Anthropomorphism involves ascribing human-like traits, emotions, and intentions to non-human entities. IVAs are designed to mimic human interactions through natural language processing and responsive dialogue, making them seem more relatable and empathetic.

Key Aspects of Anthropomorphism:

  • Human-like Voice: IVAs use natural-sounding speech patterns and intonations to make interactions feel more personal and less mechanical.
  • Empathetic Responses: Advanced IVAs can recognize and respond to emotional cues in users’ voices, offering comfort or encouragement as needed.
  • Social Roles: Research demonstrates that users often attribute social roles to IVAs, such as helper or friend, which influences how they interact with these devices.

Personalization and Customization

Personalization involves tailoring the interaction experience based on user data, preferences, and behaviors. This customization enhances the relevance and usefulness of the IVA, leading to greater user satisfaction and loyalty.

Key Aspects of Personalization:

  • User Preferences: IVAs learn from user interactions to offer personalized recommendations, reminders, and responses.
  • Behavioral Adaptation: The ability to adapt responses based on past interactions helps in creating a more engaging and efficient user experience .
  • Contextual Awareness: Utilizing contextual information, such as location and time, IVAs can provide more accurate and useful assistance.

Enhancing User Engagement

The combination of anthropomorphism and personalization creates a powerful synergy that significantly enhances user engagement with IVAs. Users are more likely to interact frequently with IVAs that they perceive as empathetic and personalized to their needs.

Benefits of Enhanced Engagement:

  • Increased Usage: Personalized and anthropomorphic IVAs encourage more frequent use, as users find the interactions more enjoyable and relevant.
  • Loyalty and Trust: Users develop a sense of loyalty and trust towards IVAs that understand and respond to their individual preferences and emotions.
  • Emotional Support: For some users, particularly those who feel lonely or isolated, IVAs can provide a form of companionship and emotional support .

Sci-Fi References and Ethical Considerations

Science fiction has long explored the complexities and ethical dilemmas associated with humans empathizing with machines. Works like Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot” and the movie “Her” highlight the potential for deep emotional connections between humans and AI, as well as the risks involved.

In “I, Robot,” Susan Calvin is frequently asked to analyze robots that seem too human, making them extremely interesting and sometimes frightening. Recognizing human characteristics in these machines — such as intention, independence, and the desire to please — leads to concerns about whether people are still interacting with a machine or something more. This blurring of lines can be both fascinating and unsettling.

Potential Alerts:

  • Blurring Reality: As IVAs become more anthropomorphic and personalized, users may begin to blur the line between human and machine interactions, potentially leading to over-reliance on technology for emotional needs.
  • Privacy Concerns: Personalized IVAs require access to a vast amount of personal data, raising concerns about data security and privacy.
  • Emotional Manipulation: There is a risk that companies could manipulate users’ emotions through IVAs to influence their behaviors and decisions, such as encouraging more spending or reinforcing certain habits.


The combination of anthropomorphism and personalization in IVAs holds great promise for enhancing user engagement by making interactions more natural and relevant. However, it is crucial to remain aware of the ethical implications and potential risks associated with deep emotional connections to machines. As IVAs continue to evolve, striking a balance between user engagement and ethical considerations will be key to their successful integration into our lives.



Milene Amoriello Spolador
About Product

Senior Product Manager | Digital Innovation, Strategic Planning | Product & Career Development Mentor