Project Plan….?

Tracie Gary
About South
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2014

I plan to interview (hopefully on camera) an African American and a Caucasian person who were students during the period of integration. I would like them to have a clear recollection of attending a segregated school as well as the integration period and subsequently attending an integrated school. I would like to ask each about their personal experiences in the Atlanta Public School system (APS). I will develop a 10–15-question interview prompt to be sure that each are asked the same questions.

I am also entertaining the idea of interviewing an African American and a Caucasian who never went to integrated schools, but I am unclear as to how that may factor in to the totality of my project….

I plan to further research “the Atlanta Nine”, how they were chosen, how the schools they attended were selected…etc.

I plan to research in efforts to uncover why there was such a delay in the integration process in the Atlanta Public School system, what decisions were made that contributed to the delay…etc.

I plan to find news footage of the coverage on integration in APS.

I plan to find newspaper articles/magazine articles regarding the APS integration.

This is as much as I have been able to conceive and rationally plan out. I definitely am open to discussing this and receiving guidance and suggestions of possible avenues to take this research down.

