Becoming Experts at Waiting

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
1 min readSep 5, 2020
Photo by Raquel García on Unsplash

Whenever we need a last minute ingredient for our meals, either my wife or myself walk down the block to our local general store. They offer a great selection of healthy foods that we can grab and get back to cooking.

We used to be able to grab those ingredients quickly, but now there is a line there every single day. They only allow two people in the store at a time (it’s a tiny shop) so there’s a lot of waiting going on.

One day I found myself at the front of the line while the shopkeeper came outside to refill a produce container. She apologized to me for the delay.

“Not a big deal,” I said. “It’s happening all over the place. I’ve gotten used to it.”

She smiled (I think…she was wearing a mask like me) and replied, “I guess we’re all becoming experts in waiting.”

We certainly are. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, either. Maybe we’ll have more patience with our progress, our productivity, and with other people as a result.

I’d like to think so. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

(Good thing I’m becoming an expert at that.)



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: