Funny Looks

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2021
Photo by Edi Libedinsky on Unsplash

Whenever I dictate my writing into my phone on one of my daily walks I am less and less concerned about getting funny looks.

I used to really worry about that. I’d keep my phone in my pocket or cut down a side street just to get some ideas out of my head and into the place that I trust — Drafts on my iPhone.

I’ve had my share of funny looks over the years when implementing this “walk ‘n write” strategy. Sometimes it’ll be the nature of what I’m saying that will get the funny look. Sometimes it’ll be that someone in their driveway is focussing on something of their own and they overhear me, resulting in a funny look. Sometimes I get that funny look when I’m walking with one of my family members and they shoot one my way — although I have started to avoid employing this strategy when I’m with them. (It kind of drives them nuts.)

So why do I keep walking and writing with my voice? And what happened to my concern over funny looks?

I am a writer. I am a maker. Ideas come to my mind for things I want to write and want to make and I need to get them out of my head. I need to do this because those ideas would be temporary if I didn’t. That’s why I keep using this strategy.

As for funny looks, they are temporary as well. That’s why I don’t let them concern me. They come and they go.

I pay them less attention now than ever before and the more I go for these “walk ‘n write” sessions that attention will continue to lessen. Maybe they happen just as often but because I don’t pay attention to them as much I don’t think they happen as much.

Perspective is funny that way, isn’t it?



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: