See You Later

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2021
Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

I sign off nearly every email with these three words: See you later. It’s an odd choice for sure, but it is a sentimental one for me.

Those three words are the last pieces of dialogue in the film About Time. I adore this film, watching it every year on August 31st as I close out my year and prepare to welcome in a new one.

And I’m using these same three words to sign off of this daily blog here today.

I started writing daily here on September 1st, 2020. It was an experiment of sorts. I wanted to sharpen my writing skills and I figured writing daily here on Medium was a good way to do that.

So in the words of Walt Whitman, who coincidentally died on this day in 1892, I decided to “Be curious, not judgemental” about this concept of daily blogging on an ongoing basis.

After over six months of doing so, I have decided that while it’s important that I write daily, I don’t need to publish daily.

I was curious about what daily blogging would be like — how it would feel. Turns out, it’s daily writing that I need. I can write daily and craft lengthier posts. I can write scripts for my fledgling YouTube channel. I can write more books. I can write content for courses and for my small (but mighty) membership community.

I’m not going to stop writing daily. I’m just going to stop publishing daily.

I didn’t come to this decision lightly. 206 days straight is a great run — and since that streak had become such an integrated part of my workflow this was a hard choice to make.

Yet after really looking at everything — including the analytics for my Medium posts — I know I’m making the right call.

I will still publish on Medium, just not daily. I may even start contributing to other publications here once again. The posts I write here will likely be longer and more in-depth, too. That means I’ll be writing daily to get them to that length and to that level of detail. (I’ll save much of the shorter stuff for social media going forward.)

Thanks for being with me during this experiment of curiosity. While I won’t be publishing here daily any longer, you can always get a weekly dose of my writing through my weekly ATTN: email.

And if you want to get a heaping dose of my writing, you can grab my book The Gift of Time for free here.

See you later.



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: