Should You Be a Wandering Generality or a Meaningful Specific?

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Pablo García Saldaña on Unsplash

The following quote from Seth Godin hit home with me as I listened to an episode of The Tim Ferriss Show while going on a walk.

“There’s nothing wrong with being a wandering generality instead of a meaningful specific but don’t expect to make the change you seek to make if that’s what you do.”

— Seth Godin on The Tim Ferriss Show

Seth said this when Tim asked him why he sets certain rules for accepting speaking engagements. After some reflection, I think Seth’s rules apply to more than just speaking engagements. It appears as if he has certain ideals that are upheld throughout his overarching work and life. Seth talked about when phone calls come your way from people who want you to do their thing, but if it doesn’t align with your mission and you say “yes,” then it becomes their mission. And this ultimately means you won’t have the impact you want to make because it is no longer your mission you’re forwarding.

I don’t want to forward someone else’s mission. I want to forward mine. That means making some tough choices and exercising discipline and grit along the way — not to mention willpower.

During my journey I’ve spent time as a “wandering generality” and the feelings I have when I explore that make me feel unfulfilled. Whenever I think about the time I’ve spent working as a “meaningful specific” I feel fantastic.

So I want to spend more time doing the latter and no time doing the former.

That’s why I’ve done my best to eliminate projects that don’t fit that model of myself.

Getting clear on what I want to work on has allowed me to get clear on what I no longer want to work on. I am not taking on any work that pulls me away from being a “meaningful specific” (and closer to being a “wandering generality”).

It’s important to decide which aligns best with your goals. As Seth says, there’s nothing wrong with being a wandering generality but you need to understand that when you do your mission is relegated to second place — and may never move further up in the rankings than that.

Seth Godin joined me on Episode 343 of The Productivityist Podcast. You can give this episode a listen here or watch our conversation on my YouTube channel.



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: