You Don’t Always Get to Decide

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2021
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

When I write these daily blog posts I have an idea of the message that I want to convey. Sometimes it is written in a way that the message is unmistakable and other times it’s rather nuanced.

But no matter what I write, I don’t get to decide the takeaway. At least not for every single person.

I can do my best to guide things but once I put a post out there, it’s out of my hands. I think maybe that’s one of the reasons why writing a book — especially with the kind of things I write about— can be so anxiety-inducing. Even terrifying. Once I put it out there, there’s no turning back. I don’t get to direct or influence beyond the words within those pages. And even then, there’s no guarantee what I have written is going to be interpreted exactly as intended.

As a matter of fact, there’s never a guarantee.

Yet here I am, every day since September 1st 2020, putting something out there for you to read. You read something I’ve written and then decide what it means to you. You get to decide what you can take away from it and apply to your life.

I’ll never be completely comfortable with that. Maybe that’s part of the quest — to get more comfortable with that as opposed to trying to be more convincing to change that.

Nonetheless, I’m going to keep writing. I hope you’ll keep reading.



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: