Your Mind Was Meant to Be a Factory (Not a Warehouse)

Mike Vardy
About Time
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2018


It’s important that you use your brain for task selection instead of using it for task storage.

Once I started to take the time to capture thoughts, tasks, and ideas that I had on paper or in a digital workspace, I began to rely less on my brain to remember those things.

Now I absolutely don’t trust my brain to remember those things.

When it does, it is a bonus but I use that recollection not to take action on the thing I just remembered but to figure out if I need to take action on it sooner than I had thought when I captured it in the first place.

Essentially, remembering things for me isn’t about recall anymore. It’s a trigger to show me what’s truly important to me.

The only way I was able to change the way I use my brain as a means for task selection instead of task storage was to create a method of capturing the things I needed to store elsewhere. I built one that works equally well on paper or in apps. I trust that framework after using it for several years.

Now my brain can do one of two things when it come to task selection:

  1. Review my to do list and select tasks to do from there.
  2. Recall something I’d captured and make sure it gets done sooner rather than later.



Mike Vardy
About Time

Family man, productivity strategist, creator of TimeCrafting, founder of Productivityist. Here's what I'm doing now: