I Am an Alcoholic!

I Was Caught by Surprise — a Culture Shock in 5 Different Ways.

Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede


portrait-young-woman-cocktail-bar — Un Swede
Alcoholic — Photo by Ollyy | Freepik

Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.

Frank Sinatra

Culture Dictates How People Think

After all my traveling, I have realized that an Alcoholic is a term that doesn’t have a common understanding.

In some countries, it is equal to sleeping in the streets and not having a job. And drink a lot, of course.

In others, it is just business etiquette to never say no to offered hospitality but not to get drunk. Tipsy is ok. It is hard to learn that line but learning by failing works as a method.

In other countries, traditional times of the year make it “almost” impossible to drink.

But there are solutions to most problems in life.

Do you want to know how I solved the problem with the alcoholic ban?

Might you be interested in a lunch in Paris?

I will tell you a never-told secret if you follow me.

We do it as a team again!

It’s cool to be different and just be who you are and shock people in a good way.

Brendon Urie



Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons. https://unswede.com/-/join_team