I Stopped Jumping to Conclusions.

Now I Constantly Collect and Analyze Facts First.

Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede


sexy-woman-jumping-long-shot — Un Swede
Jump to the conclusion — Photo by Freepik | Freepik

I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway.

Taylor Swift

Today I Will Explain how I Have Changed

I have changed dramatically in some ways since I was younger and inexperienced. At that time, I was like today’s youth are. Then, I believed I could do anything and was the chosen one to do it.

Life has taught me some hard lessons, and maybe I am the chosen one, but I need to work for it for sure.

Nothing is to be taken for granted or taken too quickly. There is always hard work behind every success.

At least, it has been the case for me in my life.

Do you want to find out what I based my decisions on when I was young?

Maybe you want to see what I found out about marketing?

I will tell you what my two modes are if you join me today.

Let us do it as a team!

Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.


#1 — when I Was Young, I Was Quick



Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons. https://unswede.com/-/join_team