If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It.

3 Excellent Examples when Applicable.

Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede


sexy-beautiful-girl-examining-lifted-car-with-flashlight-auto-repair-shop — Un Swede
Not broken don’t fix it! — Photo by Anatoliy_gleb | Freepik

Normal people… believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Scott Adams

In Life, Sometimes I Get an Aha Moment

I must improve this because of some non-discussable reason. It just has to be done, and now, it is urgent. Why can’t you explain? But it is just so critical it cannot wait.

Often it starts like this, some minor improvements to something. It is working well, and suddenly it isn’t working anymore. You put all the things on end, and there are no backups, of course, when you need them.

It is so common in many areas of life. Sadly it also costs a lot of effort, and people get upset because suddenly shit isn’t working anymore as it used to be.

You look like an arse!

It is caused by a few tiny modifications only.

It is always never wise to touch something that works. So I will give you some examples below from my life where it should be left as is. But it is by your faults and errors you learn in life.

Sadly there is so much learning!



Un Swede Svensson
About Un Swede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons. https://unswede.com/-/join_team