Improved Search on UpSwell!

About UpSwell
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2014

We’re excited to announce several key improvements to the search functionality on UpSwell.

Searching UpSwell with Algolia

We’re thrilled to be partnering with to allow you to find UpSwells that are relevant to you, and find them fast! The average search response time on UpSwell is currently 1ms (0.001 s) — amazing!

Plus, finding ideas on UpSwell is easy — just click the blue search button near the top of the site, and you’ll be presented with a beautiful interface that allows you to find ideas about almost anything.

Search for ideas easily and quickly on the new UpSwell search page.

Search Suggest: Now Including Users!

It gets better. We’ve added search suggestions into the mix so you can see small summaries of ideas that might be related to your search query. And, for the first time, we’ve added user search into the suggestion mix so you can find friends and new connections alike.

Use the new “search suggest” feature to find users or ideas before you commit to a search.

Give us Feedback on UpSwell

We hope you enjoy these new features, and would love to hear any feedback you might have. The best way to do that is to post an idea on UpSwell to let us know what you’d like to exist (You can get started here).

If email is easier, drop us a line at or find us on Twitter at @theupswell.



About UpSwell

UpSwell is a social platform that connects the ideas of individuals with the people and organizations who can bring those ideas to life.