A portal to Love reawakened

ZD Finn
Above the clamour
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2023


Finding a ‘new way’ forward

Image by Skitterphoto on Pixababy

This is the fifteenth in a series of inspired articles which were channelled in the days following the attack by Hamas on Israel in October and the response by the IDF in the weeks that followed.

I have set up this publication just for the purpose of sharing this perspective. I make no claims as to its Source and I refrain from editing it, over and above making it readable.

I, like the majority of the world, am reliant on news stories for information. In that sense the starting point for this inspiration is what I read and see around me, and that will inevitably shape at least part of the response.

Equally, any reader will be influenced by their life experience and personal beliefs, and that is how it should be. I believe that by sharing our perspectives, hopes, fears, and dreams we will come to know each other better and our humanity will shine through. Surely, this is the road to peace?

Image by Marrtdesign on Pixababy

‘What happens after a stone has fallen through the pond, disrupting every molecule and then coming to rest? Is that pond unchanged, does it remain alert to another stone falling into its stillness? No, of course not, but mankind does.

‘The missiles may cease, the tanks may return from whence they came, but the grief and the fear will remain. The young soldiers will return perhaps more adult, more world-weary, more committed to the cause they risked their life for, or shocked and shaken by what they were capable of.

‘Humanity is no pond and this was no stone, it was a fissure in the development of humanity and a portal to the reawakening of Love. I can hear your groan from here.

‘I am speaking more widely of this time in the Golden Age, rather than of the specific conflicts which at this time represent the darker side of humanity. But, it is, of course, this darker side that will need to be brought into the Light if this Age is going to fulfil its purpose.

‘A great deal of man’s inhumanity to man is hidden in small pockets, which the majority of the world can turn a blind eye to. But when conflicts erupt in the way that these have, then they threaten to destabilise other countries and therefore demand their attention.

‘The attention that is welcomed is often limited to picking a side and giving unconditional support. What is usually viewed as unwelcome is another powerful voice failing to de-humanise the enemy and agreeing with the justifications for war, then the historical examples of hypocrisy are dragged out to silence the voice of reason and compromise.

‘In your most recent conflict, the justifications faltered at a very early stage because the power imbalance was so acute and the response to the initial attack so indiscriminate. But if you take a dispassionate, long-term view, you might ask whether mankind colluded in allowing this extreme situation to erupt as a demonstration of what becomes mankind is capable of when humanity and Love disconnect.

‘Now I know talk of love conjures up all kinds of responses, but the Love I am speaking of is not romantic, or sentimental, no one is suggesting that soldiers exchange their weapons for roses.

‘The Love I am speaking of is the power-house of Creation, it enables life itself and so creates the diversity that is needed for life. Without the weather patterns you would have no growth and no decay, without men and women you would have no offspring and without comparison you would have no learning.

‘Without these challenges, or opportunities, what would be the point of incarnating? You can gain knowledge in Spirit, but you put that into action in life and you gain experience in life which you only fully understand on your return to Spirit.

‘So, in order for mankind to embrace Love they have to be brought up against the realisation of what it is not, and that is what has been playing out across your world for some time now.

‘To return to my analogy of the pond, it is as if a boulder has been thrown in this time and all the displaced water has evaporated into the atmosphere to fall like rain on distant populations, so they realise they are not immune.

‘Those who are awake will ask, ‘How have we allowed this to happen to our brothers, sisters and children, and how can we prevent this happening again? Have we not learned from the other great wars, do we need to find another way?’

‘The answer, beloved one, is yes, mankind does need to find another way and the irony is that mankind has all they need within them to pursue this ‘new way’.

‘It will not be dictated by some Higher Source, it will come from within, from the Light of Creation that all share and it will be infused with Love, partly thanks to these stark and painful reminders of how dark the world becomes when Love is denied.

‘Believe me when I say that those who went to war have denied the Love they know in their hearts, and their hearts will bear that cost, or recover and strengthen their resolve to replace fear with Love. Those that are bereft and displaced know Love now more keenly by its loss. Those in distant lands who felt the raindrops on their cheeks have felt their Love rising in a new way, one that does not discriminate based on difference but celebrates life itself as sacred.

‘Who would ever have envisaged a portal to Love being lined with corpses? No one I am sure, but as much as that is true, so is the welcome in Spirit. There are no victims and perpetrators here, just returning souls in need of the Love denied to them in life by the hand of another or their own beliefs.

‘It matters not. Love is the nectar all drink in time and as it is absorbed in Spirit, so it permeates the atmosphere of life and vice versa. Shalom.’

© ZD Finn 2023

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

The full set of articles by ZD Finn on ‘Above the Clamour’ are now available as a free download on zdfinn.com.

These inspirations will eventually form part of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals published by ZD Finn.

More information can be found on zdfinn.com and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in the Lexicon created by @zdfinn on Medium.

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.



ZD Finn
Above the clamour

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor zdfinn.com