Are humanity staring down a precipice?

ZD Finn
Above the clamour
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2023


Who will be a foot soldier for peace?

Image by Heather_Ann from Pixababy

This is (unfortunately) the thirteenth in a series of inspired articles which were channelled in the days following the attack by Hamas on Israel in October and the response by the IDF in the weeks that followed.

I have set up this publication just for the purpose of sharing this perspective. I make no claims as to its Source and I refrain from editing it, over and above making it readable.

I, like the majority of the world, am reliant on news stories for information. In that sense the starting point for this inspiration is what I read and see around me, and that will inevitably shape at least part of the response.

Equally, any reader will be influenced by their life experience and personal beliefs, and that is how it should be. I believe that by sharing our perspectives, hopes, fears, and dreams we will come to know each other better and our humanity will shine through. Surely, this is the road to peace?

Image by geralt from Pixababy

‘I recognise the rising anxiety as you approach this place each morning, almost a desire to run away, and yet you do not know why.

‘I do, it is because the multiple situations in your world at this time are overwhelming, and somewhere you fear the end of humanity, but do not dare voice the words.

‘Perhaps you feel if the words are not spoken and all eyes turn away that humanity will be forgiven?

‘Who by, God? Why would God forgive the slaughter of His children? Even if the ‘He’ becomes an ‘It’, how could an energy force that is so omnipotent allow the slaughter of the innocents on such a scale?

‘It seems impossible, does it not? Perhaps it is just a matter of time until some invisible hand picks up the planet and shakes all humankind off, allowing them to fall and tumble into space, and then restores the garden and begins anew. Of course, you have the practical dilemma of how It would reprieve the animals, but surely to such a magnificent mind that would be but a small consideration.

‘I know these are not your actual thoughts, but they are close to your reluctance to start writing, for it is so difficult to look disaster in the face.

‘To feel helpless and implicated in an endless cycle of killing that seems to be entirely misdirected and heartless. Directed it seems without any conscience or compassion by people completely disconnected from their feelings by their self belief in their cause and their righteousness.

‘It beggars belief does it not that they can believe themselves righteous while denying others not only their lives but their futures and all reference to their history.

‘How can any human being deny the existence of another so completely? I know that people are crying out to God to understand why this is being allowed, as if God has become dispassionate and cruel.

‘But maybe this is the point. I am not suggesting for one moment that this pain and bloodshed is necessary, but it is spiralling deeper and deeper into despair and widespread hopelessness. As one conflict after another seems to exemplify cruelty and inhumanity on a scale never seen before, will mankind wake up and realise that only they can stop this?

‘Will those who are waiting for some discarnate Being to step in and stop the killing and the oppression realise that they alone have the power to do this?

‘Will those mired deep in their own selfish, blinkered, self-justification stop long enough to listen to their heart and discover that it lives in two realms? The realm of life and the Realm of Spirit, where the pain of one is reflected in the reflections of the other, and there is no separation or blinkers to hand?

‘That timeless Realm where conflicts only come to an end through acceptance and learning. Two words that barely do either justice, for when the ignorance that led to warfare is understood and the futility of the loss of life is laid bare, acceptance can be a bitter pill.

‘The questions you do not articulate, except through your mounting anxiety, is whether mankind has the time to wait for these pills, these bitter pills, to be swallowed?

‘Does there have to be a critical mass of peacemakers, who understand the precipice that mankind is staring down, speaking out with one voice across this world?

‘Well, beloved one, every critical mass starts with one heart, a heart that cannot turn away, or stop beating in two realms.

‘Take courage, do what you can and trust that people are waking up to the Light, for the Golden Age is upon you, and it needs every one of its foot soldiers. Peace be with you.’

© ZD Finn 2023

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

The full set of articles by ZD Finn on ‘Above the Clamour’ are now available as a free download on

These inspirations will eventually form part of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals published by ZD Finn.

More information can be found on and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in the Lexicon created by @zdfinn on Medium.

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection



ZD Finn
Above the clamour

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor