Listening to Light

Tuning in to heal the self and the planet

Rae B
Above the clamour
2 min readNov 21, 2023


Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash

If you are new to my posts here, please read my article, “Meditative Writing” explaining where this is coming from.

Me: Can we maybe talk a bit about climate change today and what ordinary people can do? Is there still a realistic chance that countries will take the necessary action to avert the worst calamities? Thank you.

Inspirer: Welcome to our sanctuary of peace.

A haven of rest is at your fingertips. It is moonlight on a shining body of water, reflecting Truth from above, a mirror image. It is a looking glass full of lives and outcomes.

Rather than being first cause, try being a reflector for a moment each day, aware that perfection already exists.

In this moment you are listening as intently as the earth itself does, expectantly yet knowingly. Allowing the light its place, the earth drinks it in, expecting to be healed.

Why doesn’t mankind allow this natural healing rhythm to take place without interference? What is he so afraid of? That the natural order has an infinite intelligence and a wisdom he is far from understanding and using as it was intended? That mankind and the earth could receive all they need without his stepping in to create a false dependence, false needs that destroy his health and that of his planet?

Listening is the first step after tuning to the light. Find its frequency, find its channel; as more hear it the right action will follow.

The light the earth accepts for itself is the wisdom mankind so urgently needs.

Use it and find peace.


