Planting Seeds

And tending one’s own plot

Rae B
Above the clamour
3 min readNov 14, 2023


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

November has been a tough month on a personal level as well as internationally, and so I am behind posting my meditations. If you are new to these posts, please read “Meditative Writing” in this publication.


Me: I’ve been thinking again about the polarization of societies in the countries we read about. I’m not sure if the same is true in Asia. When people dig their heels in and close their minds it seems no dialogue is possible anymore.

What can be done?

The inspirer: Welcome here to our conversation, our own dialogue, where there is certainly no dispute about who is right or wrong. The soul is right, and so are you. You have your point of view. We express ours from a height the human on earth doesn’t reach without tuning into our perspective. And so you bring us what you observe and we set out our teaching from what we see and have learned.

The same is true for those who have an unlovable stance. They feel backed into a corner and are afraid of moving forward. They cling to what is familiar. Change would signify losing who they believe themselves to be, letting go of all they have held dear and relied upon as their truth. It would mean a kind of defeat to back down on all they have defended.

Who is right? Knowing Truth is giving up what you have known to trust in new possibilities, moving into the unknown. The soul cannot thrive when it is constricted, ignored, pushed aside, and it will find a way to make the personality so uncomfortable that it must listen ultimately.

Many may suffer in the process, besides the individual. Entire nations can be caught up in this process when the individual is in a leadership role, as has been seen.

And this is playing out very openly now across the world. Those who lead and their followers are acting proxies for the struggle of mankind since the beginning of time when soul fragmented to experience free will.

There is little you can do while it plays out but listen to your own guidance and know that the effort of one feeds into the awareness of all.

The more that do this, the faster the acceleration.

We hope we have given you hope in this way.

Peace surround you and all mankind.


Me: Today I’m wondering what the negotiators can learn from each other during their many talks and the planned Paris conference. What haven’t they thought of?

I immediately have the image of a small seed growing into a mighty tree — a forest even.

The inspirer: I am glad you have raised this question. It is one we planted in your mind in the way any seed is planted — it is meant to grow. In wishing to resolve years of intractability, seething resentments, and hatred, there is little chance of succeeding. Trust must be planted and allowed to grow. Seeds of peace. Seeds of understanding of the other’s needs. Allowing room to breathe while the forest grows.

A forest must also be tended in order to prevent wildfires breaking out. Just as homeowners are responsible for clearing brush on their property in order to protect their neighbors, so each must tend the space around them, inspecting their own thoughts and attitudes for the weeds which are wont to spring up.

Planting, tending, allowing new growth, and not destroying the neighbor’s parcel. It doesn’t happen overnight. Everyone must play a part and remain vigilant while waiting for gentle rainfall and regeneration.

Your negotiators are often wiser than they are given credit for. But they are under pressure for a quick solution. People are dying. People are suffering. There is the threat of spillover within the region, even beyond.

And so something needs to happen before it is too late.

If I had one message for the world it would be this: if each reached within themselves and asked what they needed to change, change would happen overnight.

It is this action which is needed. Without the collective, individuals can do little.

May peaceful thoughts enter their minds and fill their thoughts.

And may peace surround mankind.

