The power of the Solstice

ZD Finn
Above the clamour
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2023


… to heal and unite

Image by gdizerega from Pixabay.

This is the eighteenth in a series of inspired articles which were channelled in the days following the attack by Hamas on Israel in October and the response by the IDF in the weeks that followed.

I have set up this publication just for the purpose of sharing this perspective. I make no claims as to its Source and I refrain from editing it, over and above making it readable.

Image by ApplesPC from Pixabay

‘If, in the words of one of your playwrights, ‘the Lord Christ can only enter in through a broken heart’*, then where is the heart of your world?

‘Is it in your oceans, your rivers, your forests, your cities? Well, I would say it is in two places, which are actually one. It is in the crystal at the centre of your world and within that fragment that exists within every human being.

‘Now in neither of these examples am I talking about something rigid, after all, if humanity was born with a sharp fragment of crystal visible within their body they would likely as not surgically remove it. Or, in your day and age, develop technology to control it. And why would The Creator place at the centre of your planet an inflexible form which could conceivably shatter or become disfigured and unbalanced? That makes no sense. You cannot enable evolution from a fixed rock, whatever evolution arises from has to be flexible enough to grow with it.

‘So does that mean if there are no visible lines of fracturing that the energy of the Christos has no entry point? Well, the lines of fracturing are in two places, the symphony of broken hearts that arises at times of war, famine and natural disasters and within the suffering of your physical world.

‘Although it is true that the destruction caused by mankind can only be repaired by mankind, it is also true that the energy of Light constantly renews the planet directly and indirectly through inspiring the healing actions of mankind. It works through that fragment of crystal, and that in turn activates both the heart and the mind.

‘There are times within this world when the collective turns towards the Light, and the winter Solstice is one such time. When, as now, this collective magnification of a desire for Light is augmented by the desire for peace – as a result of your current conflicts – you could say that the fault lines are deeper, enabling the Christos to enter that bit further.

‘Make no mistake, there is no separation between the healing of your world and the healing of mankind, you are one, bound together through the fragment of the Christos into eternity.

‘So at times like this, when so many around the world are metaphorically holding their breath, the mist of Christos Light that surrounds all life meets far less resistance. As people breathe in to say their prayers, to call out for the conflicts to end, to weep for their losses, they breathe in the healing Light and as they exhale that augmented Light falls into your earth.

‘It may seem like a contradiction but the healing Light of Spirit is augmented by the touch of humanity. Not the manipulation, or direction of it, but the heartfelt, open-handed acceptance of It enhances Its benefit to the world, for It then contains an element of the world and is more accessible to the world.

‘This is a very difficult concept to explain not just in words but also to describe the need for the Light to pass unhindered through humanity so that it becomes useful to humanity.

‘So often, with the best of intentions, mankind feels a responsibility to direct this Light, or a desire to hinder Its onward transmission in service of their priorities, not understanding that the Light bears the intelligence of the Creator and the healing power of God. It is self-directing, all knowing and yet augmented by Its transmission through an open-heart and open hand.

‘It is the essence of a true partnership, for it gives as it receives and demands nothing, except acceptance, in return. Shalom.’

*Oscar Wilde – ‘How else but through a broken heart may Lord Christ enter in?’

© ZD Finn 2023

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

The full set of articles by ZD Finn on ‘Above the Clamour’ are now available as a free download on

These inspirations will eventually form part of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals published by ZD Finn.

More information can be found on and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in the Lexicon created by @zdfinn on Medium.

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.



ZD Finn
Above the clamour

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor