The stretched rubber band

ZD Finn
Above the clamour
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2024


At the limit of collective self-healing

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Beloved one, listen out for my voice and I will listen out for your thoughts. Those wisps of energy that like smoke leave the atmosphere of your earth, and enter the Realms of Spirit searching for meaning, release even from the density of life. But, as you know, the meaning that is accrued then returns to earth to be applied, as was said earlier today, Spirit does not lift you out of life but walks with you through it.

As you sat down you thought of this world being stretched like a rubber band almost ready to snap at any time with the weight of human conflict and disharmony. But, if we continue with this analogy a little longer, if humanity are stretching one rubber band to see what happens as they court extinction, they are oblivious to the greater band at their backs. A band that will catch their fall over and over again.

Now I am not suggesting here that mankind collectively would be wise to press the nuclear button, neither literally, nor metaphorically, but there is some truth in the collective realisation that humanity seems to be at the limit of the healing they can achieve themselves.

Now, of course, this is mainly visible in isolated pockets around your globe, but these outbreaks of inhumanity affect all of humanity. The tightening of the elastic band is felt by those a million miles away who are living in relative comfort, and it creates a multitude of effects. Some get depressed, others live in fear, some hoard, some hide, while others join the fight. Some protest, some pray harder.

Others fight with and blame those close to them because they feel misunderstood or alienated, but what are they alienated from? I would say they sense the loss of the soul-light in life. Just as they fail to see their soul-light reflecting in their life, so they also fail to see the soul-light of others reflected, and they feel an unidentified loss.

Why unidentified? Because their soul alone can name it because it is the source. Their soul in turn channels the Light of the collective Soul and seeks to share that in life, and it is the resistance of the personality that creates this abiding sense of alienation in so many.

Image by Mikke Strandberg from Pixabay

On an individual level, the personality is limited in its ability to self-heal without accepting soul, and on a collective level, the capacity of mankind to fulfil its purpose is doomed to fail without the assistance of Spirit through Soul.

The capacity of the greater band of Creation to restore humanity is great, but the sinews that create that band, or collective safety net, are formed of purpose, so its elasticity remains while purpose is being served. I suggest that at this time that is where you are feeling the tension in the structure.

But I would say this, over the millennia, mankind has extracted peace from war and yet seems to have learned very little from so doing. Countries remain indebted for generations at the same time as rebuilding their arsenals. So, perhaps it will take an overwhelming outbreak of intractable and expensive conflicts for mankind to consider that the road least travelled is the one that leads to peace, not the one paved with the generations of lost children.

That does not make the current heartbreak any more bearable, but it does add weight to the prayer for peace which you say every day. It is the Light of Soul that you pray will flood this world, so let your soul-light shine and be a beacon for others. Shalom.

© ZD Finn 2024

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.



ZD Finn
Above the clamour

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor